Annabel Barker Agency is an Australian literary agency. Founded in 2020 with a focus on writers and illustrators creating for children and young adults, more recently we have expanded to consider books for all ages.

We look for work that showcases the depth of the Australian experience, yet has global appeal. We seek to ensure the publishing landscape is accessible to all and inclusive of new voices. We also love to nurture the careers of experienced writers and illustrators. Our mission is to provide a collaborative, open and welcoming place for creative people - and we love nothing better than helping our clients find worldwide success.

You can find some of our latest deals here.

Annabel Barker

Annabel is a Literary Agent. She fell for publishing whilst working in the rights department at Macmillan in London in 2001, and then spent twenty years in and out of publishing houses including Pan Macmillan Australia, Hachette Children’s Books in London, and finally at Hardie Grant in Melbourne, where she was managing director of the children’s division. Annabel is an active member of the Australian book industry, and has contributed as a member of the APA’s children's publishers committee and its export working group, as well as serving on the committee for Creative Australia’s Visiting International Publishers Program. She regularly contributes as an award judge, peer assessor, and mentor. It is still her favourite thing to see Australian writers and illustrators published across the world.

Bella Suckling

Bella joined the agency as Administration and Marketing Coordinator in 2023. She has worked as a bookseller at various bookstores across Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. She is currently studying a Masters of Publishing, Editing and Creative Writing at the University of Melbourne. Her work as a writer has been published in Voiceworks and Screen Queens. She lives in Melbourne where she spends much of her time reading (her favourite authors are Natalia Ginzburg, Deborah Levy and Zadie Smith) and watching old episodes of Nigella Bites

Contact us below for all non-submission enquiries only. Submission details can be found on our submissions page.